By Deepa Ghimire, Public Health Student
“Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires and a touch that never hurts.” -Charles Dickens
Kiddie snuggles, belly laughs and memories are the best gift of parenthood you could cherish forever. A child is closer to life than you are. When a child comes to your life, it is time to relearn life, not teach them their ways. Childhood is the memory that we look back upon simple joys and happiness; a life free from responsibilities and mental stress; a bouquet of sweetest smiles where the fragrance of happiness bounds no limit. Children are like buds in a garden who needs a special care and should be lovingly nurtured as they are the future nation’s pride.
Every year National Children’s Day is celebrated in Nepal since 2063 B.S. on September 14 (Bhadra 29 B.S.) to embark the UN Convention on Child Rights 1989 where Nepal signed the protocol on 14th September 1990 A.D. and expressed its international commitment to child development, protection of child rights, and child participation. To commemorate this historic day Nepal is celebrating 57th Children’s Day today with the theme “ Protection of Child rights, our collective personality.”
Various programmes are being organized in different parts of the country to celebrate this special day. As per the article on September 13 2021, of The Himalayan Times, three to two-minute video clips titled ‘Child Rights in Federal Nepal’ adjudged the best will be released and winners will be awarded on the occasion. Programs from the street to the stadium and Rugby training will kicked off on the occasion and moreover, digital hangout program and an oratory on the topic ‘Impact of COVID-19 and ways for solution’ will be organised in every province on September 15.